Basic biodiesel engineering support
Ready for guaranteed performance?
Novonesis Flexfit enables you to always operate at peak performance with feedstock flexibility.
A gamechanger for biodiesel producers
Over the past five years, thirty biodiesel producers have already implemented biological processing. With operations in Europe, North and South America, India, Southeast Asia, China, and Africa, these plants are processing side streams of up to 100% FFA.
Introducing FlexFit® technology
FlexFit® technology offers flexible solutions for both increasing yields as a side stream or converting entire processes to efficient waste-based biodiesel production.
It enables first-generation producers to boost profits by converting waste-based feedstocks like used cooking oil and animal fats into biodiesel (FAME). Operating at atmospheric pressure and low temperature, it reduces construction and operating costs.
With guaranteed performance, it ensures predictable end-product quality, plant throughput, and cost-effective feedstock options.
FlexFit® technology guarantees performance
1: We perform a feasibility study to assess modifications required to retrofit your plant for feedstock flexibility
2: We provide a basic engineering and design package tailored and optimized to your facility
3: An expert advisor follows the project in close collaboration with contractors and end-users to facilitate smooth implementation
4: A quality check ensures your plant is operating smoothly, backed by engineering warranties and performance guarantees
5: All-inclusive services provide continuous support for your plant's performance

Proven technology backed by engineering warranties on performance guarantees.
It upgrades waste-streams, so you can process waste-based feedstocks or produce high produce higher yield.
It also integrates process technology, enzyme biocatalysts, and all-inclusive services into a single solution.

Technology fuels the biodiesel transition
Biodiesel producers see feedstock flexibility as a key challenge in moving away from used cooking oil and vegetable oils. A recent survey* shows this flexibility will likely be a dominant trend in the next decade.
However, with no consensus on new feedstocks, producers face technical barriers to diversifying their feedstock base. Incorporating waste-based and advanced feedstocks and dealing with variable quality is critical, but many lack the capability.
But what if you could choose feedstocks based on cost and availability and ensure your plant’s path to waste-based biodiesel?

Want to find out more about Flexfit?
Customer insights
Ismaeil Zaher, Technical Director, Biodiesel Misr
Novozymes’ process and its Eversa® Transform 2.0 enzyme product is a game changer for the profitability of our plant as we are now able to convert low-value feedstocks with high acidity to biodiesel that meets the EN biofuels Standards in Europe.
Marc Kellens, Group Director of Technology, France
Novozymes’ process is a cost-efficient and proven alternative for converting secondary oils like fatty acid distillates, DGS corn oil, UCO and animal fats into biodiesel with relatively low capital expenditure by retrofitting a plant.
Rafael Lavin, CEO, Oleofat, Spain
Our biggest challenge was to handle the high FFA of our feedstocks and the wastewater associated with traditional technologies. Working with Novozymes we are now able to provide our customers with high-quality, sustainable raw materials without having an environmental impact on the local community.
Enzymatic biodiesel processing ebook
Take your first step toward feedstock flexibility and learn how to achieve consistency and profitability. Download the ebook and follow our six-step guide to evaluate your biodiesel opportunities.
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*Novonesis survey of more than 15 European FAME producers