Whistleblower hotline

Find information about our whistleblower hotline.

In Novonesis, we are committed to high ethical standards, and we expect everyone we interact with to share this commitment. Whether you are an employee of Novonesis or an external partner, we encourage you to speak up if you observe or suspect any potential violations of Novonesis policies or applicable law. 

By raising your concerns, you help Novonesis uphold ethical standards and ensure a safe, respectful, and fair environment for all. We welcome reports from both employees and third parties. 

How can you raise a concern?

If you are an employee, you can raise your concern to your manager, local P&O, other relevant corporate functions or Legal Compliance. If you prefer, you may also use the whistleblower hotline.

If you are external, kindly reach out to your Novonesis representative or use the whistleblower portal.

The whistleblower reporting line enables you to confidentially report concerns or suspected violations of Novonesis policies or the law. It is hosted on a secure external platform, and you have the option to remain anonymous. 



What happens after you file a report?

Once submitted, your report will be logged in the reporting platform. Novonesis’ whistleblower manager will assess the report and ensure that concerns raised are adequately investigated. The investigation will be conducted confidentially by experienced professionals and overseen by an investigation group. Depending on the nature of the case, ad hoc notifications might be sent to relevant members of the executive management team and the audit committee. 

Procedures are set up to ensure objectivity in investigation and oversight, hence anyone potentially involved in or affected personally by a matter under investigation will be excluded from the management and governance of the investigation process.  An automatic screening process is in place to ensure that such situations are identified.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your report within seven days.

All reports are taken seriously, and appropriate action will be taken.

Protection against retaliation

At Novonesis, we protect individuals who report concerns in good faith. We have a strict policy against retaliation of any form toward anyone who raises a reasonable concern or participates in an investigation. 

If you believe you have been subjected to retaliation for reporting a concern or taking part in an investigation, we encourage you to report it immediately via the whistleblower hotline. All such reports will be treated with confidentiality and investigated thoroughly. 

The whistleblower hotline may not be used for false accusations. Submitting knowingly false information may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Novonesis policies. 

What can be reported?

You can use the reporting system to report breaches of Novonesis’ policies or violations of the law including:

  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Theft, fraud, breach of insider rules
  • Violation of competition law
  • Human rights and labor standards violations
  • Data privacy violations
  • Violation of material accounting and auditing legislation
  • Environmental law violations 
  • Violations of export control and international trade sanctions
  • Unsafe working conditions 
  • Other serious violations of Novonesis policies or law

Issues like dissatisfaction with wages, minor workplace conflicts or violations of smoking and alcohol policies should to the extent possible be reported through Novonesis’ regular internal channels.  

Whistleblower hotline

If you’d like to report a legal or ethical concern, please use our whistleblower system. All reports are strictly confidential.