Specialty fats

Enzymes for specialty fats

With enzymatic processing of specialty fats, you can produce a higher quality, more sustainable end-product

Health-conscious diets are on the rise

Consumers worldwide are turning toward healthier diets. From foods that promote digestive health and support a stronger immune system to simply moving toward a more nutritious and sustainable diet, people are making food choices that support a healthier lifestyle.
These shifting trends are behind a growing demand for healthier food options, including specialty oils and fats.

Removing chemicals from the equation

It goes without saying that health-conscious consumers demand high-quality ingredients. But there’s also an industry-wide push toward cleaner processes and improved quality that satisfies not only the customer but regulatory compliance as well. 
This means finding an alternative to traditional chemical esterification that produces a higher quality, more sustainable end product.

That’s where enzymes come in. As the ideal alternative to chemicals for processing specialty fats, they allow the production of purer, higher quality structured lipids that have better taste, smell, and color than those produced through chemical esterification.  
And, because they can be processed at milder conditions, enzymes reduce byproduct levels while preserving the oils’ natural color and micronutrients.

Whole butter unwrapped and placed on the cutting board

Explore our enzymatic biosolutions for specialty fats

  • Decorating chocolate truffles

    OPOs and CBEs

    Produce higher-quality structured lipids, including Palmitic Fatty Acid Structures (OPO) and Cocoa Butter Equivalents (CBE) with enzymatic esterification.

  • Two Soft Capsules in Palm

    Marine oil processing

    Enzymatic esterification enables you to process marine oil at milder conditions, reducing byproducts and preserving the natural color and micronutrients.

  • Overhead view of spoonful of cold coconut oil on jar

    MCT and diglyceride oils

    Sustainably obtain higher quality MCT and diglyceride oils using milder reactions with lower operational cost by applying enzymatic technology.

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