Increase efficiency with enzymes for deposit control

Enzyme solutions for deposit control make your mill more effective and efficient at turning wood into fibers

Increase product quality and mill efficiency

Avoid production downtime and improve the appearance and strength of paper and board by integrating enzymes for deposit control.  

Pitch and stickies deposits on your equipment increase downtime and cleaning frequency for your felts and rolls. Whether you’re working with recycled, chemical or mechanical pulps, we have solutions to control deposition. This results in increased production of stronger paper and board with fewer spots and holes. 

Discover the benefits of enzymes

Enzymatic solutions that reduce the effect of stickies and triglycerides 

  • Woman putting cardboard into recycling bin

    Break down triglycerides to reduce pitch deposits

    Natural triglycerides can interfere with interfiber bonding and reduce paper strength. Using enzymatic solutions for pitch control breaks them down. That considerably reduces the level of pitch and improves the quality and strength of your paper and board. 

  • boxes in a storage room

    Prevent stickies deposits

    Stickies cause operational and quality issues. With enzymatic solutions for stickies you can target specific contaminants reducing agglomeration and  deposits on paper machines . This minimizes defects and ensures smoother operations, delivering higher-quality final products. 

Pitch control with minimal operation adjustment

Deposit control

Unlock the benefits of enzymes in sticky control

Using enzymes in your sticky control makes your process more efficient. You can integrate them with no further CAPEX. 

father and daughter preparing cardboard boxes for recycling

What can biosolutions do for you?

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