Squeeze more oil from your olives with biosolutions

Use our enzymes to achieve higher yields from your olives and a more sustainable production. 

Get the most from your olives

Our enzymes increase your yields so you can squeeze more oil from every ton of olives. They also help cut your losses by reducing residual oil in the pomace. Enzymes give you a better production process. They modify the paste condition and allow your equipment to operate more smoothly. Oil/water separation and oil clarification are also faster and more efficient with enzymes. 

Why start your harvest earlier with enzymes?

  • Oils from fruits of lower maturity index (MI) typically have longer oxidative stability and shelf life.  
  • Lower chances of suffering frost events and fungal diseases. It also decreases the typical alternate bearing phenomenon. This will allow for more consistent crops over the years. 
  • Higher crop yield per hectare. Processing olives of low MI is easier with enzymes.

Benefits of using enzymes

Increase your yields

Depending on the fruit condition, enzymes can increase yields by 1-2%. The pomace will be more environmentally friendly, with less residual oil. 

Smoothen your industrial process

Lowered paste viscosity also decreases processing equipment energy consumption. By releasing oil from the paste quicker, enzymes allow for a faster, more effective process. 

Harvest earlier

Enzymes allow you to harvest earlier and to get better quality oils without significantly compromising oils yields. 

No negative impact on oil quality

Neither basic quality, genuineness nor sensorial parameters of the oil are significantly impacted by the use of enzymes for extraction.


Calculate your production’s potential

Enzymes are recognized as being very effective in improving oil recovery. What does it mean for you in terms of extra yield and money? 

Try our online calculator and get an estimate for your production. We have prefilled it with standard numbers, but feel free to test your specific numbers. 


Enzymes for olive oil extraction webinar

With today’s high value of olive oil, producers seek higher yields without compromising oil quality. They’re also looking for more sustainable processes, less oil loss with pomace waste and greater operational efficiency.

In this webinar, Pablo Canamasas discusses how olive production for EVOO has expanded beyond European borders. You’ll also hear how different extraction tools focus on sustainability, olive oil quality and more efficient operations.


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