Less waste

Case: Food preservation

Less waste,
more taste

How biosolutions help give consumers the freshness they demand

Over one million tons of yogurt have been saved over the past 10 years

By working with biology's own preservation methods, we're helping keep food fresher longer while maintaining the taste and texture people expect. 

The challenge
Why good food goes bad 

Food spoilage creates an extensive chain of waste – from farm resources to production energy to transport emissions. Bread and dairy products are particularly vulnerable, with millions of tons of both thrown away every year. For bread, rapid staling leads to premature disposal. In yogurt, unwanted mold growth can spoil products before they reach consumers. Consumers increasingly demand solutions that maintain freshness without adding synthetic ingredients. 

The solution
Better ways to stay fresh 

In yogurt, specific beneficial bacteria create compounds like lactic acid, building an environment where harmful microorganisms can’t grow. While protecting against spoilage, these bacteria also develop yogurt’s distinctive taste and texture. For bread, enzymes work during baking to modify starch molecules, helping them hold moisture better and stay flexible longer. The enzymes act only during baking, preventing the stiff crystals that make bread feel stale. 

The benefits
Small changes, big impact 

The numbers tell the story best: so far, we have saved over one million tons of yogurt thanks to beneficial bacteria, and this number is growing daily. For bread, our enzymes have prevented billions of loaves from being wasted since 1990 – saving millions of tons of CO₂ emissions. Better shelf life means more food reaches more people, using fewer resources. 

Key facts and benefits


tons of yogurt saved


of loaves of bread saved


of tons of CO2 prevented


Simpler ingredients list

Explore other cases

  • Producing

    Making the most of milk

    How biosolutions are improving cheese production efficiency

  • local beer

    Local crops, better brewing

    How biosolutions help brewers use regional raw materials

  • plant-based

    Getting texture right for a better bite

    How biosolutions are transforming the taste and texture of plant-based food products

Let’s nourish a growing world together

Biology has always been a fundamental part of creating food – and today it holds the potential to transform every step of our food value chain.

Explore with us the interconnected challenges and innovative solutions transforming how we grow, make and consume food – and discover how together we can create more balanced, secure and resilient food systems. 
